Lovely Embrace

The Definitive Guide to Daycare

Tips For Parents

We Hope that these tips makes the Daycare experience a pleasant one for you and your child...

  1. Go with your instincts when choosing a Daycare, because it's usually RIGHT.

  2. When going to your first interview for a Daycare, have your questions already written down.

  3. Dress your child as you would dress yourself. Don't under dress or over dress your child. If it's cool outside and you are wearing long pants, don't dress your child in shorts because they look cute in it.

  4. Please, Do Not dress your child in expensive clothes. They, along with the child will get messy, even when they wear smocks for some play activities.

  5. When it comes to Food...If the Daycare provides snacks, lunch, etc...Make sure they are healthy ones. No Junk Foods or Junk Snacks. Don't be afraid to provide your own child's healthy foods if they permit it.

  6. What to pack in your child's lunch box---Pack it with the variety of foods and snacks you would like them to eat, include their favorites. Also, to make sure they eat what you've packed, make sure you tell the teachers that you do not want your child to share their food. Tell the Teacher not the child. It might sound selfish, but as we all know, children as well as adults have allergies too. So it could be a safety issue.

  7. If your child takes a bottle, make sure you give a schedule for bottle feeding for infants. Children that are a year old can adjust to the Daycare's schedule.

  8. What if yor child gets sick while being at Daycare? Ask them about their policy, as it can vary from Daycare to Daycare and State to State.

  9. Please inform your child's teachers about any food related allergies or any other allergies.

  10. Make sure you take some time early on after enrollment to let the Lead teacher or most of the teachers know how your child is. Ex. Shy, Extrovert, Talkative, Energetic, Curious, etc....That way, they can make their first days a pleasant experience.

  11. Finally, It's THE FIRST DAY OF DAYCARE!!! Just know that most children cry on their first day. It's because they are in a strange place and not at home with you. It is Perfectly Normal, it usually takes about a week or two for them to get comfortable in their new environment. Let the teachers interact with your child during this period and you will notice the change over time. So relax, be patient, it's going to be alright...And Welcome To Daycare 101!