Lovely Embrace

The Definitive Guide to Daycare


This is Important as it stops the spread of sickness and provides a clean play environment.

Check For...

  1. Hand washing...How often?

  2. Who Cleans up the school...The Staff, a Private cleaning company or a combination of Both?

  3. Toys...They should be washed daily (How often after that depends on the Daycare's policy).

  4. Do they have a Washer and Dryer on the premises?

  5. Tables and Chairs.They should be clean, daily, and often. Check for the condition of classroom equipment.

  6. Mats and Sheets should also be cleaned often.

  7. Floors should be cleaned daily and as often as needed.

  8. Garbage...Check How often it is emptied and placement area for collection.

  9. Diaper pails should be cleaned up and emptied daily or as often as needed.

  10. Bathrooms...Should be cleaned daily or as often as needed. Check for the basics such as toilet paper, paper towels, waste basket, soap, sanitizers, air freshener, etc...!

  11. ...etc.!